Back to the Gym

Soo after 5 week's of to little training it is good to be back on the ship. And my training partner and friend Zimmerman that is always working with me is also here. The crew gym here is very good, so niw it is time to grow.

Ond we also decided to keep away from the O-bar and crew bar to get some result from our training this time. So thats why I bought 5 tv series and a couple of books to have something to do at night. Feels much
This is how it looks today

Martin 178 cm 96 Kilo 46 cm i Biceps

Zimmerman 186 cm 107 Kg Biceps 50 cm

Postat av: Pia

Ja du, det låter ju helt seriöst. Men ni kommer att vara saknade i o-bar ....

2008-09-07 @ 10:02:52

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